Well if I am honest it feels like its been a lot longer than 3 months but maybe that's because of Christmas and all the problems I had in November/December. I am glad to report since the mist cleared or the haziness I guess you could call it, it seems to have got better every day. Its by no means amazing vision but I knew to never expect that as that is rare. But seeing a couple lines down on the eye chart is better than what I had previously and this is only 3 months down the line. After a year I hope it will just be correctable by glasses.
So what happened on the 3 month check up? I was mostly hoping that the eye pressures would be OK and the eye was clear, which pleased to report that was the case. What I was not expecting which wasn't bad was that there was a lose stitch which the consultant removed there and then. Didn't feel too bad as had a drop in to numb the eye. And was all over in seconds and that's me done for a month. A month is the longest period yet I (fingers crossed) wont have to go for a check up. I don't mind going too much but just good to know all going to plan. Here's the best photo I could do, blinded myself a couple times with the flash just for you :)

I had some questions of my own, 1. Can I go back to the gym? The consultant was fine with this, obviously no heavy weights for a while now though is a given. 2. Can I play football? (Soccer for you guys in the US :) He wasn't too keen on this due to potential of an elbow or arm flying in my face by accident, which is always possible in football. This is always going to be a risk as the graft is never as strong as original cornea but it will get stronger the closer it reaches a year after the op. So will leave football for a while longer yet to be on the safe side. Did make me think though, I never really thought much of it before had the right eye done as played football plenty of times having had a graft on the left in 2005. I think not long in the future I will invest in a pair of sports protection glasses which would be ideal.

This brings me onto my next my mission which is to get my everyday glasses updated so that I have a balance lens in the right of the glasses as currently it has a prescription in it which was for pre right eye graft vision. I keep meaning to get it sorted but as the vision in the newly grafted eye has not settled down yet it doesn't make a great deal of difference and the consultant confirmed wont do any harm currently. When I do it though I wont be going to a high street chain to be severely ripped off and treated like a numpty that's for sure hehe.

Before I sign off here I would just like to say have met some really nice people along the way who have also had transplants and those who are trying to cope with the everyday strain of KC. To me it really does look like it is becoming more recognised than it was say ten years ago and I think the internet, forums and such like play a huge part in that. The people that run the websites and forums really deserve high praise for giving up their time to help others like me.