Friday, 19 October 2012

Lazyness Day 3

I'm not sure if its lazyness or just feeling sorry for myself after the op but I haven't been eager to blog much. Having read another persons blog going through a graft too this has given me a bit of a kick up the backside! And reminded me to not just report on how the transplant is going but everything else that goes with it :)

My lovely wife set off into the city centre yesterday to do the simple task of switching the lense in my right side of the glasses for a clear non prescription lense while my sight changes over the upcoming year. Well she would of found it easier to rob a bank it seems. The usual big players of the optician world didn't quite get what she was asking and quoted silly prices for a clear piece of glass! Would of been cheaper to go through zenith windows!!

Also demands for a letter from my consultant as proof because after all the world would be mine with that clear piece of glass in the right!! I wonder if half of them know what KC or a transplant consists of?! Anyway we have decided to leave it till I can venture out too and visit a independent opticians who are not trying to take over the world! On a brighter note my check up went ok, all looking as should be and to continue with same drops.

What did really test my patience though was ironically the other patients waiting for their cataracts to be tendered to. Jeeez why do they bring someone with them if they walk straight past the entrance to check in to the wrong side anyway! This is forgetting the fact they have walked past the electronic check in because they assume its a prop from Star Trek. Whilst I am on the subject of these "patients", is it really that difficult to sit and wait for half an hour without moaning about how busy it is or every detail of what their husband is up to today!!! When your eye is irritated and doesn't have the best of vision these are the last things you want and they push you to the very edge! Make waiting rooms library's I say and also try to keep Norfolk people to the minimum because they literally can't stop talking about anything and everything! And breath.............

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